About Me

I like learning and building things. In another life I would have probably been a carpetenter, which feels like programming but using wood instead. I have worked as a data platform engineer, machine learning engineer and data science. I love reading anything that's good (except for crime, no thanks). My favorite color is green.


  • Data Platform Engineer

    Sep 2023 - today

    Working as a Platform Engineer @ Fanduel

    Python Kubernetes Terraform AWS SQL Data Engineering
  • ML Consultant

    May 2023 - July 2023

    Worked with an early stage startup to help them establish best practices for model training and deployment. I built an ML/MLOps pipeline prototype in AWS using S3, DVC, Weights & Biases, Terraform & Sagemaker and documented the process. I also worked on fine tuning and deploying a Large Language Model (Alpaca 7B and 13B) on a custom dataset. I benchmarked the models to enable easier decision making on which model to deploy to production.

    Large Language Models Alpaca ML MLOPS
  • MLOps Engineer

    Jan 2022 - Sep 2023

    Worked as an MLOps Engineer where I built efficient data engineering pipelines using DBT to transform raw data from Snowflake into clean data. The pipelines were designed to follow best data engineering practices with observability, reproducibility, testing, and version control. I also built data engineering pipelines to move clean data from Snowflake to a production database that could be used by the model APIs (MongoDB). The pipelines were built to be platform agnostic and could move data from any source to any destination. I built infrastructure using AWS Sagemaker to streamline the model deployment process to production, where each model was thoroughly checked against an unseen test dataset and all metrics were saved to the MLflow model registry for review. I successfully deployed multiple models on APIs using Docker, FastAPI, AWS Lambda, API Gateway, Elastic Beanstalk, and Terraform. I set up a monitoring server using Grafana to track internal infrastructure performance, data pipeline execution, and data distribution in production.

    Python SQL AWS Terraform MLOps Data Science Data Engineering
  • Machine Learning Engineer

    Nov 2020 - Jan 2022

    I built deep learning models to track construction and road construction activity from satellite imagery using PyTorch, PyTorch lightning, Python, and Docker. I also set up infrastructure to track Machine Learning experiments using MLflow. I deployed the deep learning models to AWS batch to run offline predictions, and all model repositories were deployed using CI/CD with Terraform and AWS CodePipeline. Additionally, I built front-end applications using React and Dash to showcase the models to non-technical stakeholders in an engaging and interactive way.

    Python PyTorch NoSQL AWS CloudFormation Deep Learning Monitoring
  • Data Scientist

    Jun 2020 - Aug 2020

    I developed an unsupervised learning model using NLP embeddings with scikit learn to detect participants who answered screener questions inconsistently. To deploy this model I built a web interface using Flask with React & Redux to enable the Q&A to interact with the model to detect fraudulent users.

    Python Data Science Unsupervised Learning React NLP
  • Multiple Experiences

    Sep 2016 - Sep 2019

    During this period of time I travelled to Scotland where I worked full time as a chef and a lifeguard while learned programming in my spare time. Through a series of online courses and personal projects I learned front-end development and progressed to machine learning & deep learning. During this time I also participated in the Mongol Rally, the longest charity rally in the world. We raised £1k for charity APIC Pandora.

    Learning Software Development Work Under Pressure Enterpreneurship Communication
  • Sales Executive

    Sep 2015 - Mar 2016

    As part of the sales team, I was involved in the growth of the spanish branch of the company. My tasks included: Prospecting clients to create new sale opportunities; Keeping track of current and potential clients; Delivering succesful sales.

    sales communication goal driven building relationships


  • MSc Artificial Intelligence with Speech & Multimodal Interaction

    Sep 2019 - Aug 2020

    Learned AI foundations, data mining and machine learning techniques. I also used applied statistics to solve business problems. I worked in teams to complete projects including using swarm algorithms (PSO) to optimise the parameters of a neural network and building a conversational agent to assist older adults. Finally, I completed my thesis as part of an industrial placement in UserTesting

  • Degree in Commerce

    Sep 2011 - Jun 2016

    Learned the foundations of business creation & development, marketing, finance, accounting and law. During this time I participated in the Erasmus+ program studying in Düsseldorf for an academic year.

Project Showcase

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